Sinfuldeeds - FrenchXRussian Intern DateNight Full

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88366   1 year ago
hotscopes | 67 subscribers
88366   1 year ago
OnlyFans Sinfuldeeds - FrenchXRussian Intern DateNight Full

"After our last session, I planned a date with her and took her out for a romantic dinner, She knew my favorite team is the Lakers and she wore a Lakers jersey while I dressed up in a suit...she is so wholesome.

after our dinner, I asked her if she wanna come spend the night with me, and she said yes we came back and I asked what movie she wants to watch and she said American Pie....ok....YOOOOOOOOOOO, she picked my favourite movie!!!
I think its fate. So in return I gave her one of the my most masterful performance.
The way she stares at me walking into the distance like a fucking champ after giving her multiple orgasms.

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